I has a Happy

I has a happy. I’m not used to hassing a happy, but I like it.

Nothing particularly special has happened, only a few tiny bits. Yesterday I had some surprise money from a cashback website and I decided to use it to buy my coach ticket to Amsterdam, but apparently Megabus felt like being brilliant, because instead of paying £45 I paid £2.70. Return!! Very cool. Set me up in a great mood for the day.

Then I made some cheese and onion bread in the slow cooker that turned out delicious, my friend brought me curry for dinner, and (despite a little mope at bedtime) I had a lovely day. No special occasion. Just a nice, normal, happy day.

The evening before I went to the cinema to see Ted with my baby sister. It is absolutely hilarious by the way… Everyone should see it. Today we went shopping for school clothes for her in Asda and I managed to find two tops that fit me. Something minor, but so huge for me. I’m so used to only having two sources for clothes – Evans and fat person catalogues. And today I got two tops from a cheap ass supermarket!

And on top of all those nice, normal things, this evening I went out again. (Twice in three days? Good lord!) Michael and I went to a Buddy Holly evening at this most amazing 50s America-style diner on the outskirts of town. I love that place. I feel so warm and relaxed and comfortable there. I could happily sit in a corner and just watch all day. The fact that the food is good and the staff are cute is just a bonus. This evening was so much fun. There couldn’t have been more than fifty people there, and there was good food and good entertainment and a good atmosphere. (Not much of a writer am I? I need a new adjective.)

It was fun, that’s my point. And it’ll be fun when we go to their Xmas With Elvis show in December too. The best part about that is that my baby sister is coming with us. I love spending time with her, and I love even more that she’s willing to explore my interests and share them with me. I know she’ll have as much fun as me and Michael.

Oh, another thing. You know how amazing it is that I’ve had two evenings out in three days? Well prepare to be even more amazed. I’m going out again tomorrow! There’s another pub quiz with that Meet Up group. Three nights out in four days!! I may have to sleep right though Monday, but guess what? I have a life!!

I have a life, and I has a happy.

About Colette Horsburgh

A 40-something artist, crafter, maker and crazy cat lady living with a hidden disability and mental health issues.
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